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Terrorism Alert!

San Francisco, CA -
While the other news agencies continue to hype the possibility of a terrorist attack during the Olympics in Athens this summer, TheRealTruth has learned that an even greater threat of terror lurks here at home. According to a source inside the United States Department of Homeland Security who wishes to remain anonymous, the summer of 2004 may well go down in history as the "Summer of Terror!"

According to our source, multiple railroad station bombings, multiple hazmat shipment bomb blasts, multiple attacks on chemical facilities, or the downing of one or more major electrical grids, and possibly all of these, may be attempted on United States soil over the summer and fall of this year. Intelligence indicates that al Qaida has been actively studying the feasibility of these means of attack for over two years. Note that due to increased security, an attack on an airport or airline is no longer on their list.

The most likely times are thought to be major holidays like Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, Labor Day, and possibly all of these. Another likely time is thought to be in the last few weeks before the November election. Their targets will probably be large gatherings of civilians, especially those with women and children present, because that will enhance the sense of terror they wish to impose on America.

"For the last six months or so we have been hearing chatter [on phone lines] and information has been filtering down to us [from informants] about an upcoming major terrorist attack on US soil," according to our source. He adds that "I'm not sure that we can always stop it. With our increased vigilance, we will probably be able to stop some of them. Still one or more of them may succeed."


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