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Washington, DC -
While all the other so-called more reputable newspapers have been busy reporting what the two major candidates did or did not do during the Vietnam war, TheRealTruth has been focussing on what should be the real issues in this election and where the candidates stand on them. This is what we found out:

North Korea
Both candidates favor a negotiated settlement over the issue of North Korea deploying the nuclear weapons it already possesses. Both would threaten to give the South Koreans nuclear weapons if the North Koreans deploy their nuclear weapons.

Bush has already directed the Pentagon to draft plans for an invasion of Iran. He will invade Iran sometime early next year unless its government abandons its plans to acquire nuclear weapons.
Kerry favors a negotiated settlement over the issue of Iran seeking to acquire nuclear weapons. However, he does not rule out invading Iran if those negotiations fail.

The Draft
Both candidates say they favor reinstating the draft only if it becomes absolutely necessary.
Editor's Note: Given the present over utilization of the National Guard, if the U.S. invades Iran it will become absolutely necessary to reinstate the draft.

Oil Crisis
Neither candidate has acknowledged the Peak Oil crisis (see article entitled 'No More Gas'). Bush has thus far failed to win congressional approval for his plans to make the U.S. less dependent on foreign oil.
Kerry has said he will convene a presidential panel to study ways to make the U.S. less dependent on foreign oil. However, he is even less likely than Bush to get congressional approval for his plans.

Social Security
Bush would 'privatize' Social Security by allowing young workers to put at least half of their social security taxes in individual private accounts. Beyond that, he does not have a plan to rescue Social Security.
Kerry opposes the privatization of Social Security because it would divert funds from a social security system that is already in financial trouble. Beyond that, he does not have a plan to rescue Social Security.

The Budget
Bush would limit annual increases in government spending to 0.5% - except for defense and homeland security. He claims those measures will cut the present $400+ billion budget deficit in half by the end of his term in 2008.
Kerry would limit annual increases in government spending to the rate of inflation - except for defense and homeland security. He would also repeal the Bush tax cuts for wealthy Americans making over $200,000 per year. He claims those measures will lead to a balanced budget by the end of his term in 2008.

All in all, we don't see much difference between the leading candidates on the real issues. This is THE REAL TRUTH !

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